Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Tick Tock of the Clock

When I was younger, my mom used to drop me off at my Grandparents house during the day while she went to run errands and whatnot. My Grandma would set me up on a living room couch with a pillow and blankets, and set 2 chairs with their backs to the couch so I wouldn't roll off. I clearly remember the peaceful quiet of their house during this nap time, along with the ticking of their living room clocks, a sound that to the day brings me memories and comfort. It's like people who have memories sparked by different aromas like coffee or a certain flower or cologne/perfume, only mine is the simple sound of ticking clocks. What reminded me of this was a clock I just bought for $1 at a rummage sale a few weekends ago. The audible tick-tock of the analogue clock is an ambiance I quite enjoy, (which is reason enough to keep a clock that never tells the correct time.. haha).

3 remarks:

Katie Marie said...

Awww! I remember sleepovers at Grandpa's and Grandma's and how they would always make me wash my face before bed! :)

Heidi Rose said...

Nicely put. And it's an attractive clock too, so there's also that. Moma feels the same way about that ticking which is why we have a clock in the corner of the living room which ticks. It hides behind one of those fake plants.

Heidi Rose said...

By the way, thank you for putting select things back right-side up.