Saturday, January 2, 2010


Feeling: Indecisive, but calm.

Loving: The sun shining through the window, it always lightens the mood.

Reading: (I'm actually reading something currently!) Tyrannosaur Canyon by Douglas Preston, it's good so far but I have no idea what it's really about/what's going to happen.

Wanting: To get back to the gym to get rid of the holiday chubbies!

Dreaming: About studying abroad :P

Having: coffee, black.

Waiting: to hear back about a place for me to sublease.

5 remarks:

Heidi Rose said...

Love that picture. Haha: "Holiday chubbies". Me too. Hopefully your book will get clearer. Not knowing what's going to happen? Suspenseful. Not knowing what it's about? Not good.

Lilly Anne said...

That picture is so you ^^

Amy Lauren said...

Haha, it's funny that picture was taken yesterday or the day before, but it seems I have not moved my butt from that spot...

Katie Marie said...

Excellent! Hopefully you hear back from the apartment today that you got it! Then I can help you move in and stop being bored. lol

Heidi Rose said...

You've been tagged, okie dokie?